National Council for Behavioral Health

Specific Illness
Mental Health

Founded in 1969, the National Council for Mental Wellbeing is a membership organization that drives policy and social change on behalf of over 3,100 mental health and substance use treatment organizations and the more than 10 million children, adults and families they serve. We advocate for policies to ensure equitable access to high-quality services. We build the capacity of mental health and substance use treatment organizations. And we promote greater understanding of mental wellbeing as a core component of comprehensive health and health care. Through our Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) program, we have trained more than 2.6 million people in the U.S. to identify, understand and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges.

Know Your Rights!

Abortion is still legal in all 50 states! Visit Right2Choose to drive awareness and donations to the organizations already doing work to protect these rights.

Get In Touch With
National Council for Behavioral Health
Main Phone
Go to Website

Emergency Mental Health Services:
If you are in crisis or you think you may have an emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. If you're having suicidal thoughts, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to talk to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area at any time (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline). You can also chat with a Suicide Prevention Counselor here: Click Here. If you are located outside the United States, call your local emergency line immediately.

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